It's everywhere.
A 12 by 15 foot room that formerly acted as an office seemed like it would be a snap to clean out and transform into a nursery. But it's deceiving. The clutter grows and multiplies exponentially every day. And things that I wish would have disappeared and taken care of themselves have not. That beautiful SLR camera that I dropped in the beaches of Aruba several years ago...still hidden in the corner of the closet. The outdated, and therefore useless, printer that served me well for many years still lays idle on the bottom shelf of the bookcase. And the random pictures that date from babyhood to current day still remain in a neat stack waiting for me to decide where their permanent home will be. It's clutter, and yet, I have memories and stories for it all. Thank goodness for Fly Lady (never heard of her? Click here if you're a pack rat). Fly Lady brought the 27 fling boogie into my life. If it weren't for her I'd be frozen with indecision and the newest addition to our family would be sleeping inbetween my boxes of memorabilia and office supplies.