Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Getting my Cook On

I only get excited about cooking when life feels stress free.  Otherwise, it's a drag.  When there is a mile long to-do list, planning, shopping, chopping, cleaning up, etc...feels like an enormous chore.  But yesterday, after a somewhat unexpected snow day and time to relax, I was ready to cook. 

The menu: Pear and Spinach salad, Mini Meatball Soup, and roasted brussels sprouts (thanks, Two Pretzels, for recently pointing out the correct spelling).  Yum, I can't wait for lunch so I can help myself to leftovers. 

It was the first time I had ever cooked brussels sprouts.  The verdict: I liked them roasted, drizzled with a little bit of olive oil, and sprinkled with salt.  But here's the kicker - I didn't have to clean them. A woman from work gave me homegrown brussels sprout already washed and trimmed.  I feel like I can't really judge these mini-cabbages until I experience the whole process, so I'm currently withholding my final thoughts.  If you have some hints on the cleaning process of these little green gems, please share. 

If it were up to me...

my child would be born today.  As a fan of numbers, I think 2/10/2010 would be a cool birthday.  But alas, I think the little bugger is quite comfortable and has no plans for moving from under my ribs anytime soon.