Thursday, February 15, 2007

Not for the Faint of Heart

Last week (exactly a week from today) I was teaching 8th period class. There was a girl in the back of the room who I thought was merely having a bad day. Unfortunately it was worse than that. She was having a bad day AND was sick...but decided not to tell me. So what happened? She throw up in the back of my room... EVERYWHERE. And then proceeded to throw up all over the bathroom. A couple of thoughts come to mind when thinking of this situation. 1) I am glad I am not an elementary teacher and have to deal with this on a regular basis. 2) I felt awful for the girl. Her day obviously got worse after that. 3) This incident was yet another observation that confirms the fact that I cannot read minds.


Ryan said...

bring out the Vom-sorb... :)

Ky • said...

OH, wow.

As a germaphobe - I would have flipped.

What did you do?! Do janitors take care of that stuff? If so, I feel AWFUL for the janitor.


GET THIS! (Ha!) the word verification I just typed in is:
xiwpuuka. Get it, "puuka." CRACKED me up.

Anna@MetaMusings said...

Yes, fortunately the janitor cleaned up both my classroom and bathroom. Bless his heart. He was pretty disgusted by the whole thing too.