Wednesday, March 14, 2007


My mom had five other siblings in her family. One of her siblings produced a boy and four girls all with names starting with "K" (they are my first cousins). I always find it amusing that these four women who are in their mid 30s and 40s are still referred to as "the girls". Even my cute, little cousins who are 7 and 11 year refer to them as "the girls". And if I had to take a wild guess, they will be affectionately known as "the girls" for the rest of their life.

Anyone else have affectionate nicknames for family members?


Ky • said...

Aw, that IS cute.

And, just so you know, my 3 brothers, all between the ages of oh, 33 and 36 are still called, "the boys."

My niece calls my sister, "Momita." (When you add "ita" to the end of a word, it's like adding affection.) I love that. Remember, "roomita"?)

Malissa said...

my dad has always called me "lucy" even though my name is malissa. i like it.

Anna@MetaMusings said...

K - I love momita. I might just have to start using that one. And I still call S rumita. She will always be that to me.
M - I have never heard lucy. Is your dad the only one allowed to call you that?