Saturday, April 21, 2007

Circle Game Saturday

My birthday is soon. I might blog about it later because it's a weird one as far as ages go, but in honor of getting older here is my circle game question...What age do you feel? Forget your chronological age...

Me? Energy-wise I feel 23 years. My self-image unfortunately does not match my reality. Is that normal?


ARGH...It's Drivin' Me Nuts said...

Wifey pants and I were watching a major league baseball game the other night. As the starting lineups were being introduced, she looks at me and says, "They all look like little babies." They were all like 22-24 years old...young. It seems like I was just that age not long ago, but man, time flies.

Also, I feel old when I hear a song that I remember from Junior High and it is on an oldies station...oh yeah, its happened.

ARGH...It's Drivin' Me Nuts said...

As much as I hate to admit it, I am starting to like the Circle Game...

Anonymous said...

Your question boils down to "What does age mean and where do you feel you fit on your percieved age continuum ?"

I feel my age but I think it's because I am comfortable with myself in the arenas of my career, activity level, financially, and mindset. (Maybe for a math person such as yourself age is just about numbers but I know that isn't true for you.) I love 30, I embrace 30 and I do a dance on all those negative feelings that are supposed to come with turning 30. I must be honest and say it took a little time to adjust but I have wholly embraced the coming decade.

Now 40- that's old :)
Cuz M

Anonymous said...

Ageless, but energized. I can do what I want and don't feel obliged to do much that I don't want to.

You are still a spring chicken, babes, but you are gathering the "patina" of experience, knowledge, judgment, wisdom and compassion that will make your middle years a wonderful time for you and your hubbie.


Ryan said...

14, mostly...

Malissa said...

i feel 22. ;)

Dri said...

I would say I feel 27 (almost 28!). I generally can't believe it's been 10 years since I graduated from high school, but I love the stage of life I'm in and get joy out of Little R. everyday. And, my husband who feels 14 mostly keeps me on my toes! :) Will having a husband who acts like a teenager prepare me for when my actual children are teenagers?? :)

Anonymous said...

I've thought a lot about this question, Anna, and have come up with the idea that at any one time I may feel all ages. I guess that's something like time is relative or at least on some continuum that we aren't normally tuned into. In fact, to think about it too much blows my mind--it takes someone smarter than I to figure it out. FW