Thursday, August 23, 2007

Old Friend in a New Place

When I was eight years old my parents bought a piano, and I started lessons. I played until eighth grade and then "gave it up" - at least I gave up the formal lessons. I continued to play and would frequently serenade whoever in the house would listen during middle and high school years. When I'd come home from college I would sit down on the bench and pound away at the keys - reteaching myself, it seemed, every time. Although I'm far from being a great piano player, it's always been a source of relaxation and joy.

It was sad when my parents moved from my childhood house 2 1/2 years ago and put the piano in storage. I could no longer wonder into the living room to say "hi" to my old, faithful friend (piano).

But two weeks ago my faithful friend and I were reunited. By the very kind act of my Uncle B. and Aunt S., the piano was transported to our house. Family and a neighbor came and helped us move her in, and it has been a joyful reunion. I forgot how much I like to play...not because I'm good, but because I enjoy music. It can echo any mood you want it to. You just have to find the right piece. (Dri-Do you remember the song "Hymne". You copied it for me years and years ago. I found it the other day - still love it.)

But here's my dilemma...I think the piano needs a name. A good, sturdy name for a friend (piano) that I've had for 20 years. Any ideas?


Ryan said...

roger is a good name

Anna@MetaMusings said...

Roger sounds steady and faithful, but I feel like it might be a girl piano. Any female variations of Roger you can think of?

MacGeiber said...

I was thinking Woody, but that's not too female. How about Bess?

Dri said...

Oooo... Bess is a good one. Or Mildred/Millie.

I DO remember giving you that song, "Hymne." I remember when we were in 8th grade we came down to Cincy and did a service weekend with your youth group and I played that during church on Sunday.

I also have memories of sitting in your living room and listening to you play the piano.

YAY that you have her at your house! That must feel GREAT! Definitely a good stress reliever.

Ky • said...


I had the chills when I read this. A person's bond with their piano is huge.

Malissa said...

Penni the Piano
Pedro the Piano (for a boy i guess)

Anna@MetaMusings said...

All very good, sturdy names. And I think I have a winner...I think I'll go with Fiona. I've always loved the name. In fact, I had a very long nickname in college my freshman/sophomore year that included Fiona and ended in Diehl. Anyone from college remember Steve Diehl? One of my freshmen year professors predicted we'd end up married. Alas it didn't turn out.

Anna@MetaMusings said...

P.S. Dri- I also think that was the same trip I poured piant onto your head. Oops...sorry.

Anonymous said...

Thank the universe that your professor was wrong on one account. Family reunions would be painful if that profs prediction panned out. (Props on the alliterration here folks?) I'm glad you have your trusty friend with you and that it's not Mr. Deihl. I've gotten attached to T.
Cuz M

Ky • said...

YAY! I'm so pleased you went with Fiona.

I do hope you know that up until last year you were still in my palm pilot (which died) as A Banana Gwen Fiona D. Diehl.
