Friday, August 28, 2009

Prego Report

Disclaimers: 1) I am stealing Two Pretzel's idea of a pregnancy update. Hope you don't mind, TP. :) 2) A high school friend, MT (actually now MB), used the title phrase and I thought it was cute, so I'm stealing this too.

My goal is to write a pregnancy update every doctor's visit. So, to catch up to current times...

First doctor's appointment was early July as was the first ultrasound. The baby looked like a bean and was a whooping length of 9mm. (Hence, from now on I will refer to it as Little Bean or LB when I'm feeling particularly lazy.) 5 weeks later at our next visit Little Bean measured in at 6 cm (about 2 1/2 inches), had arms and legs that moved, and a mouth that opened and closed. This blew me out of the water and was by far the first time I felt this whole pregnancy thing might be real. (I really wish I could show you some of the pictures, but my camera is MIA. So sad.)

Besides feeling as if I ALWAYS have a cold (since June) and sometimes can't breathe, I've been extremely fortunate and have been feeling fabulous. My regular clothes are starting to feel a little uncomfortable even with the hair rubberband trick, and I took my first trip to the maternity store at the beginning of this week. Pants with elastic waistbands...HERE I COME! I did have a little freak-out moment in the changing room when I put on the fake 7 month belly and couldn't see my feet. What?!

Has been very understanding with all the minor aches, pains, and constant naps I take. He was particularly adorable when he sat down with me Tuesday evening to read and write some thoughts of his own in the baby keepsake journal we got from a friend this week.
Next doctors appointment: Mid September


Anonymous said...

Keep the reports rolling. Dad

Dri said...

I loved reading this update!

Congratulations again and I look forward to many more updates.