Sorry, this question is slightly indulgent. It was inspired by a recent inservice presenter that was excellent and the movie "The Freedom Writers". (We watched it last night, and it was excellent.)
Who were the three educators that impacted you the most? Why?
It is hard for me to name just three, but here are the ones that came to mind first.
Mrs. Gates, 3rd grade, first teacher to give me academic props and not just comment on how well I behaved.
Mrs. Berta, high school, I felt most connected to her through out my K-12 education.
Mr. Riehle and D. Bollenbacher (tie), high school and college (respectively), both teachers showed an enormous passion and energy for their subject matter and students. I admire that.
Oh this is fun.
Miss Hoover, 1st grade, even thought I was a rambunctious kid - she saw potential in me and allowed me to take my creativity and put it into something worthwhile: I was in an after-school activity called, "Olympics of the Mind" and we competed against other schools.
Miss Sparks, 6th grade, she's my all-time favorite. She spent time with us IN and OUT of the classroom. And was real.
In all honesty - that's it.
I think (in chronological order)... Candy Beaber in 4th grade because she was creative, challenging, quirky, passionate about learning... and sang "The Tide is High" while we were taking tests. :) Next, I would have to say Jim Heiks at Music Camp... HUGE impact on me!! Again... creative, demanding, kept me on my toes musically and intellectually... and also he was passionate about learning. Third, I would definitely say C.M. Shearer... again demanding, "firm, fair, consistent," cared about his students, uncompromising when it came to quality, respected in his field... There are several common threads with each of these, I notice, and "Doc" Shearer was also someone who I think of as a lifelong learner.
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