Saturday, February 10, 2007

Circle Game Saturday

I was enjoying a nice beverage with my lovely co-workers last night and here was the question:

If you were to pick a sport in which you would excel, which one would you pick? Why?

My answer: Track. I would like to feel what it would be like to be the fastest person in the world. How in the world do legs even work that fast?


Ky • said...

I would LOVE to be good at volleyball. A professional, if you will. They have GREAT bodies, AWESOME cardio endurance. And, good tans!

Ky • said...

From C.:

Sport: Soccer.
Why: "All the chicks dig soccer players. And, in pretty much any other country than American, they're idolized."

(I'm shaking my head....)

Malissa said...

good point, C., good point (hey, K. - he does speak the TRUTH)
i would say tennis. tennis is WAY harder than one thingks, until you pick up a racket and realize that hitting the ball inside the lines is HARD, not to mention making the ball go exactly where you want it to.
and you get to travel the world (not that it's all glamourous, but still)

Ryan said...

I'm going to go with water polo...

talk about cardio! and there's just something about whipping the ball around that looks like fun...

Ryan said...

oh, and curling...I'm addicted to that sport

Anonymous said...

I would like to be a professional ballroom dancer (is that a sport?). Awesome legs, great body, amazing workout, plus actually knowing all of the dances... and you get to wear gorgeous dresses and feel like you're floating on air.

Anna@MetaMusings said...

Good call on the ballroom dancing. I hadn't thought of that one. And I have to stay that I didn't think of the curling either. :) Soccer and volleyball players are hot! And of course, the travel in tennis would be nice! All good!