I had a friend at work suggest that instead of deleting or giving up something from our lives during the lent season that we add something to our lives. Possibilities are endless: Praying everyday, frequently calling loved ones, giving ourselves a well-deserved break to think and relax, doing our share to clean up the environment in which we live (that can be taken in several ways...pick your own), etc, etc. I think the idea is a wonderful one, an idea that can enrich our lives. The problem for myself seems to be thinking of an idea that seems worthy enough as well as one that seems "do-able". I know the idea is not to pick the most convenient - that seems like it would be defeating the purpose - but I also want to choose something that I believe ,with a little bit of effort and thought, I could accomplish and add to my life - not just for the current lent season, but for a lifetime. It will take some time to think.
This may be super-predictable and OBVIOUS (coming from me), but may I suggest becoming a Big Sister? :) I don't recall whether you've ever met my Little Sis Heidi, but we just passed our SEVEN year "anniversary" of our match, and I would recommend this experience to anybody.
Is your friend a member of the Anglican Church or a listener of NPR "Morning Addition?" There was a radio spot about the Anglican church promoting a lenten philosophy of viewing your lifestyle and trying to improve your spirituality through not-so-random acts of kindness (as we should be doing anyway but many times don't). I guess it started with one "parish/ city" in England and this year the Anglican church has adopted the idea. Pay it forward bloggers!
-Big cuz M.
Presbyterian, actually. But she could be a NPR listener as well. I need to quit listening to WNCI an start my NPR addiction again. As for a becoming a big sister...I'll have to look into that. Thank you for the idea. It wasn't something I had thought of but it definitely has my attention.
Write down 5 things you're thankful for. A day. I bet you could fit that in...
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