It's lacking in our house these days...again.
Things were going well for a while. For most of the month of May G-man was sleeping 8 hours a night - he would scream for an hour before going to bed, but the uninterrupted night sleep was well worth the screaming. I had mentally awarded us a parental gold star in the sleep arena.
Then I went back to work for two weeks, and selfishly I HAD to get sleep - this is hard with a baby screaming like a banshee in the background. I tried to pretend it was the sound of the ocean crashing against the beach - but this technique was unsuccessful. And well, we broke down. We started bad habits like diverting from our bedtime routine...and the ultimate habit that put the nail in our sleep coffin...a pacifier.
It seemed like a GREAT idea at first - it works magic with many, many children, right? With it G could fall asleep by himself without screaming and the first two nights with this new habit he slept for 8 hours again. Halleluiah! I still remember waking up the next morning. It was glorious! A smiley, well-rested baby and mommy make a great combination, and I put the mental gold star back on the board.
Then he started waking up once an evening, needing me to pop the paci back in his mouth. It seemed innocent enough. One time...not a big deal.
Two weeks later, however, I am getting up four times a night to find the missing paci. My child goes back to sleep in an instant, however, I am left wide awake.
I HATE to hear my child scream - who doesn't? - but as the parent I need to take control. There will be no paci tonight. And most likely, no sleep, but I am hoping that it will pay off in the long run - for all three of us.
1 comment:
Oh painful as it WILL pay off. Hang in there!
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